September 2024: Un-Web Security (+ Click)

Un-Web Security

If you’re writing web applications, there is a LOT you need to learn about securing your code.

If you’re not, then there are still code issues you should be aware of… just, fortunately, a lot fewer of them. We’ll go over the big ones - using Python for our examples (unsurprisingly), but many of them apply to other languages too.

We’ll also leave a little time for a mini-topic…


If a Python script that you invoke from the command line accepts user arguments, you might be using sys.argv or argparse, but there’s a much nicer way: a popular and powerful library called click. We’ll take a quick look.

Location: Innovation Hub

We meet in the Innovation Hub, a gorgeous new facility that’s part of the renovated Dayton Arcade complex.
Enter through the doors that face the Wright Stop Plaza bus hub.

Street parking is free in the evening. I usually park on Ludlow Street.


if for any reason coming downtown doesn’t work for you (for instance, you’ve been exposed to COVID, or you’ve converted yourself to purely digital format and now exist as a set of cloud-hosted algorithms), we’ll be online as well!

Join us at 7 PM EDT on the PyFri Discord channel,, and click on the General voice chat link. You may need to install the Discord desktop app rather than just using the web interface.